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Band Collage

Why Does The Band Program Exist


The McFarland High School Music Program Exists to Inspire, Develop, challenge, and lead young musicians to pursue musical excellence while providing a tight-knit community of individuals who share the same passion for music.  We exist to teach Leadership, Teamwork, and a Personal Growth mindset to each band member to prepare them with 21st-century skills for life after High School.  M.H.S Music Program.  We push the limits & boundaries of every performance.




A word about Culture

Culture is the shared values, belief system, the characteristics of our band that make us who we are.  Every band member (choir, color guard, band member, drumline member, guitar student) is required to conduct themselves with the highest level of academic honesty, and integrity.  Remember, What we allow, we approve, and what we approve becomes culture.  We must hold each other to the highest level of integrity and musical excellence.  Lets L.A.N.D.

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